Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas gift idea

looking for a Christmas gift idea?

this past april headed into the studio to start work on recording my first CD 'scattered'. my prayer has been and continues to be that people will be drawn into a closer relationship with God our creator because of it.

keep 'scattered' in mind as you're thinking what will bless your love ones, friends and co-workers this season.

Godbless and Merry Christmas
joel slater

free shipping orders at

scattered sleeve front

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Merry Christmas

although it's been said many times many ways...Merry Christmas to you. j&h (plus one)

back in the usa

it's crazy to think that just a week ago we were in sunny australia, now a week later we find ourselves here in cold washington dc.

i've decided that if it's going to be cold it may as well snow like it is here this snowy saturday morning...very cozy being inside and not having to go out.

Friday, November 20, 2009

fire @ pine point, yorke peninsula

view of the fire from our beach house

Thursday, November 19, 2009

2 days away from being away

holly and i just spent a couple of days taking a holiday from our holiday. we went away to a beach front property on the 'Yorke Peninsula' with my brother, his wife and his 3 kids.

last night @ the beach house we saw smoke on the horizon thru the big glass windows as we sat down to play a board game which led us to look stand up and walk outside. a mile or two away we saw a blazing fire picking up momentum with the strong winds (55 miles an hour) which left us wondering if we should get the heck outta there or just keep a close eye on it. the winds were blowing away from us which made us feel better and came to the conclusion that seeing we were so close to the beach we were in the best place. if we it came to an emergency we could scoop up the kids and head for the water...anywayz, it didn't come to that but was a little scary.

here's where we were on the map. 'A' is where my mums house is 'B' is where we went.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

first glimpse

8 weeks

18 weeks

Sunday, November 8, 2009

here we go...

on our way to oz.

Friday, October 30, 2009


here's a song i wrote recently as i anticipate seeing my favorite place in the world, adelaide.

i got my feet back on the ground
i wipe my eyes and look around
it's funny to see how everything is changing

i see my mum and my step dad
they're waiting where i get my bags
they're looking great even thought they're in there sixties (sorry mum)

O how i love this place


i'm walking to my ol' front door
it's looking bett'r than ev' before
i can't believe that it's been nearly 3 years

i's getting close to 5 pm
that it when i'll see my friends
ben and andrew
don't forget matty newman

O how i adore this place


they say the grass is always greener
the usa has come between us
believe me cause i mean it
when i say that i still love

twenty days is not to long
that is why i write this song
i'll remember you every time i play it

i check my bags and shed a tear
it may be 3 to 6 more years
til i'm back where everything is normal

O how i'll miss this place


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

new biz phone number

we have a new separate line for those calling to book me and my band...pretty cool! (615) 671-9459.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

joels in studio 'scattered' interview

i was asked if i'd like to sit down in the studio and be interviewed on camera to talk about my music and to introduce people to who i am and what i stand for. here it is...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

can't find our blog easily...

go to and it'll bring you here

indonesian tv

as i may have told some of you, i was asked to be a performer’/pianist for the taping of an indonesian tv show being filmed in washington D.C back in march. it was nothing like they told me it was going to be which made things interesting as you'll see :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009


laundry is finished

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

our laundry makeover

i wanted to surprise holly by stacking our washer and dryer to create more room in our laundry. she went to did i.

clean up this mess

move the appliances

take out the shelf

patch the holes


stacked using a stacking kit and with some help from ricky
